Sultan Youth - Dare to Da'wa

Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatu to all brothers and sisters in Islam. We are the Sultan Youth from Sultan Mosque located in Singapore, Muscat Street. Welcome to our blog, a portal where we update everyone on our past and upcoming events. Check them out!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

MYSPEX 2008 - Bowling @ West Coast Recreation Centre

Today, YS were involved in MYSPEX bowling. They are a group of 5 boys which is Nazirul, sofiy,akma,akid & another boy (forget his name. sorry about that). The event started at 9.30am and ends at 1pm. There were many groups from different mosques participating and must say that they are very good in their bowling skills. They played for 1 round of games. However, our team didnt make it to the finals. Well, it is ok as long as the 5 boys enjoy themselves and make Young Sultans proud !!! Their feelings after bowling was tired but fun. They wanted to join the bowling competiton agaib for next year's MYSPEX.

Yup, that's all for the coverage. Marha Marha to the 5 boys !!! =D

Saturday, June 21, 2008

2 in 1

Salam….yo yo yo..apa khabar semue? Hahaha..hari ini me myself n I nk kongsi sikit pasal tarikh 15 jun 2008. Nk tahu tk apa dia?? Sabar..mari kite imbas kembali kenangan itu satu pe satu..hahaha

Seperti biasa..semua berkumpul mcm budak baik. Yg lapar pi mkn dulu lepas tu smue bergerak ke IKEA tamp. Ramai org pt sana..biasa juga..kata hari ahad. Pusing2 cari benda2 yg patut sambil meriahkn lagi suasana IKEA tu..dgn dendangan suara kak faza, kak nisa, kak dayah, kak wani dan akhir sekali kak firah. Hahaha..
Lepas da pusing2..kite smue da masih tk puas kite smue berlompat ke Courts pula. Kite mula pusingan ke dua di sana. Pusing punye pusing..sampai naik lapar semula..hahaha..

Sebenarnye dalam diam..kite ni ada plan utk seseorg. 15 jun 2008 bkn hanye tarikh utk youth muslimah ke IKEA. Tp juga utk menyambut ulang tahun kak wani kite..hehehe..dia tk tahu satu benda pun. Jadi, kite hrp2 plan berjaya.
Sebelum kite sampai kemuncak plan kite, smue telah sepakat utk menunaikn solat asar di masjid istighfar. Lepas tu terus ke tempat yg ingin dituju.

Sampai disana, entah mcm mana..da bkn muslimah outing lg..sebb 2 jejaka kite pun nk turun padang utk meraihkn hari jadi kak wani. Bro rizal n bro azhar. Kite smue berkumpul di HAWA Restoran. Macam2 kite order..ada sambal ketam, tomyam sop dan mcm2 lg..yg paling penting, kek utk kak wani kite da siapkn. Terima kasih kepd kak nisa kite..hehehe..
Okok, smue da mkn, da kekenyangan. Barulah kemuncaknye tiba, kek dibawa oleh kak dayah ke tempat duduk kite. Kak wani terkejut bangat..sebb dia tk sangka kite akn menyambut mcm tu sekali..hahaha..lalu dia pun potong keknye dan kami smue abiskn keknye dgn aman damai..hahaha..

Alhamdulilah apa yg kite plan berjln dgn lancer..mcm kerete formula one..hahaha..kak faza, dia antar smue muslimah pulang. Tk lupa juga terima kasih kepada smue yg ada kerana tlh bersama- sama menyambut ulang tahun kak wani kite..


Signing off,
Kak firah

p/s: gambar...dalam process development....

Monday, June 16, 2008

Quran Verses

"So verily,
with the hardship, there is relief,
with the hardship, there is relief."

(Al Qur'an 94:5-6 )

pic by azli jamil

Friday, June 13, 2008

Mass Kahwin 2008

Salam to all

This is my 1st time blogging at YS multiply. Harap u all dont mind i post this...

Last Sunday (8/6/08), Sultan Mosque organised first-ever Mass Kahwin, where 4 couples solemnised in one go. This is the first time such an event like this in singapore. I'm so-called the photographer for the day. I took photos from Sis Faza's Camera.

The Akad nikah was held at the back of main prayer hall. The reception was held at auditorium & MPH.Although the event was simple, the people comment that it was so grand. Everyone in the MPH (Multi-Purpose Hall) was happy. I saw the 4 couples too. What's unique about this is there's one couple, who's a chinese-muslim man married to malay-muslim lady and there's another one, a malay-muslim man married to an indian-muslim lady. So, it's somehow a multi-racial wedding. The highlights of the event is the tea ceremony, which is conducted by the parents from chinese-muslim man. This is my first time i witness the chinese tradition of tea ceremony. Btw, the MC of the day was TG, a DJ from Warna 94.2FM. The event ended around before zohor.

That's all what I have to say here.

Signing off,
Azharjj =D

Friday, June 6, 2008

Friday Sermon 6/6

Our iman and care for the earth will help us appreciate better the message of Rahmatan lil Alamin or blessings for all.

ps: Selamat Hari Lahir untuk Luqman :)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Quran Verses

"Dan berpegang teguhlah kamu semuanya kepada tali (Agama) ALLAH.
Dan janganlah kamu bercerai berai...". (3:103)

Pic from iluvislam

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Let's help in the Rahmatan Lil Alamin Way...

Assalammualaikum Wr Wb to my dear brothers & sisters,


Make donation for the victims of the earthquake in China starting Sunday June 1 up to Friday June 6.

The collections are through

a) Cash Donation box at Muis Building at No 1, Lorong 6, Toa Payoh. (Reception Counter)

b) Cash donation boxes marked “Singapore Muslim Community’s Collection For Victims Of Earthquake in China" at,

i) Al-Ansar Mosque in Bedok
ii) Al-Iman Mosque in Woodlands
iii) Al-Istiqamah Mosque in Serangoon North
iv) An-Nur Mosque in Woodlands
v) Assyafaah Mosque in Sembawang
vi) Assyakirin Mosque in Jurong East
vii) Baalwie Mosque in Bukit Timah
viii) Darul Ghufran Mosque in Tampines
ix) Darussalam Mosque in Clementi
x) En-Naeem Mosque in Hougang
xi) Kassim Mosque in Changi Road
xii) Muhajirin Mosque in Toa Payoh
xiii) Mujahidin Mosque in Queenstown

c) Online at

d) Cheque to be made payable to “MUIS” with the words “Humanitarian Relief Effort for Victims of Earthquake in China” written on its back.

Pics taken from Reuters.